Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hey guys heres a new song by fergie, do listen :P its pretty nice.

Here are also some interesting video clips i found on the youtube that are quite funny in an ironic way :P

- Rappy Cheers!

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 11:56 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

HEY ALL! Havent blogged for a looooooooong time, so here's a little music sharing with all of you :)

Does this song ring a bell for you? It's a pretty old song i heard over the radio called "Superman" by five for fighting :) Hope you all enjoyed it~ ^_^ * THIS SONG ROX!*

- Rappy [ projects 24/7 :((( ]

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 11:38 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

All About Us

BabyRap's & Manda20's Ramblings.

Feel free to read on if you are bored! Tag us and make our day! =D

Who said that you can't find good friends in Maple, yeah?

PS: We are not lesbians!

We Love

MapleSEA, Divination, Euphoria, Singing, Talkin thru' the wee hours of the night, Fries, Watching hilarious clips, Having a drink while talking about mindless topics, Suppers, 98.7FM, Being cheeky =P and God knows what else we have not found out?


September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
April 2007
July 2007
October 2007
December 2007

Webbies We Surf

Hidden Street

Read Them Too


Created Since

September 2006 =)

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