Saturday, July 07, 2007

Today's Live Earth Day! Answer the Call.

I hope you are wearing green today if you are out walking the streets =P

How I wish that I'm in one of the seven continents, wearing a nice little sundress, watching the concert live instead of watching it on TV.

Today's also a good day to get married! 07-07-07 at 7pm. Your husband will never have a chance to say "I'm sorry darling, I forget about our anniversary!" No excuses because it's so easy to remember yeah?

While Koyak has been busy with her attachment, I have been busy with my Korean dramas =x Just finished 108 episodes of Jiayou Jin Shun and 16 episodes of Sweet 18. Was sobbing like an emo-freak for quite a few episodes though. I wonder if it's because I'm getting old? I don't use to cry so easily! I'm one of those people who can sit through Titanic and 200 pounds beauty without dropping a single tear.

So dearest Rappy, who does that singer in the last video u posted remind u of? WHO, WHO, WHO? Are u having an affair? =P

Welcome back my dearest Grace sista to Singapore! Smooch smooch smooochsss, see u on Thursday?

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 7:00 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Friday, July 06, 2007


Yep guys the blog is finally alive again THANK GOD! :X Sorry for not blogging for such a long while. Having attachment and all, plus i forgot the login and pass :XX had to ask koyok for them :XXX Anyway here are some songs I've heard recently and want to share with everyone now :P (please listen~~)

Beautiful girls

I'm kinda attracted to this song. Not really sure why tho *shrugs* might be the woeful characteristics of the singer's voice, that kind where he sounds sad but there's nothing he can do kinda feeling. Or may be the use of "suicidal" in his song which i find rather daring considering few positive songs will have them. Or maybe that its mostly monotone (?) Anyway, hope you guys like it and it's really not bad considering this is the singer's first debut song i tink.

What i've done

This next song by linkin park rox!! I got attracted by the "So let mercy come, and wash away, what i've done ............. erase myself and let go of what i've done~" phrase. Actually thats the only few phrases i like in this song LOL. The rest of the song is about peace and love which doesnt really click with me. However, the MTV is pretty good i tink. Btw, if anyone knows the name of the latest song by them, please tell me so i can youtube and listen to it again and again and again :X

Ai Ai Ai

Just to wrap it all up, lets all sit back and enjoy this song by Fang Da Tong, especially the chorus :X (sry the mtv is abit suxky) Hmm.. the singer of this song does remind me of someone :X


Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 10:04 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

All About Us

BabyRap's & Manda20's Ramblings.

Feel free to read on if you are bored! Tag us and make our day! =D

Who said that you can't find good friends in Maple, yeah?

PS: We are not lesbians!

We Love

MapleSEA, Divination, Euphoria, Singing, Talkin thru' the wee hours of the night, Fries, Watching hilarious clips, Having a drink while talking about mindless topics, Suppers, 98.7FM, Being cheeky =P and God knows what else we have not found out?


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