Saturday, April 21, 2007

HEY GUYS! *winks*

It's a cloudy Saturday and I hope you guys are out having fun and living life to the fullest. For me, I'm currently given orders to stay home and rest as I have been a bad girl for the past week. Ate too much fried and 'heaty' food and I'm sick -.- Lol. Yeah yeah I know served me right but then again, I had too much fun during the past week so I sorta forget about taking note of the amount of fried food I should eat. Thus, no regrets!

Anyways not to worry lah, I'm a fit-lui (fit girl) and I will recover real quickly! =P

I shall make this a quick post as I have to quickly lie back in bed before that terrible headache comes back. Sorry if there's any typo/grammar/vocab mistakes =X


Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and THANK YOU!

Got lots of well wishes and happy birthday SMSes and calls starting from 11.58pm on 18th April. Nigel I'm so sorry you were not the 1st, my friend Thomas SMSed at 11.58pm and yours came at 11.59pm =x But nonetheless, I'm touched that you set your alarm to wake up and wish me Happy Birthday =) *hugs*

Thanks to my dearest rappy, bro, lianie, leen, jei, kc, isaac, nigelng, yeling, eelyn and I can't remember/dunno who else because my phone's LCD died out on me on my birthday -.- That's the most unfortunate thing that can happen to you on your birthday *scowls*

So if I didn't reply you when you SMSed me on the 19th, please don't be upset! That is because I can't see your SMSes (screw N70) and I have already sent it to Nokia Care for repair. Unfortunately all data will be wiped out.... so I will never know who SMSed me =( Millions of apologises.

Grace babe darling I just received your card and bracelet from Aussie!!!! Muacks I love the bracelet! It's so vintage looking and clearly you remembered that I love purple eh? Those red and purple stones shine nicely in the sunlight =) Love you babe I hope you are doing fine at Aussie now, come back soon I miss you! P/s: I hope your roommates rot in my poo *cynical laughter*

Alright last but not least, 1 last important announcement to make. Please send me a message on my MSN (whether I'm online/not online) with your contact numbers so that I can save it in my SIM card. I usually don't pick up calls with unknown numbers so remember to tell me your contacts! Thank you!

Condolences to the families of the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy. Please, no more copycat killings. Cho Seung Hui was mentally sick, copycat killers are even sicker to repeat such a tragedy.

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 3:18 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wheeeeeee! Last day of presentations~~ :P preparing for exams soon :(

Here is some more funny ads that i kope from a group presenting IKEA today. Take a look and have a good laugh over it :D (Some of them have been broadcasted)

IKEA Tidy-up ads series (a combination of 3 ads)

Funny ma? lol

- Rappy :D~

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 12:18 AM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Heres a few ads i came across while doing a project on yellow pages :P Take a look they are quite funny :D

Hair cut

Shark attack

And below are the Carl's jr funny ads ive been talking abt :X

Compare this....

with this :D~~~ LMAO

Icecream for the eyes? LOL

And another funny carl jr milkshake ad

sobs... spoil my favourite sean paul(?) song T_T but quite funny tho lol


Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 4:41 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Friday, April 06, 2007

YOYO ALL I CAN FINALLY BLOG LE! YES! Couldnt log in through Internet Explorer so my bro asked me to go in via mozilla firefox~ IT ROX! Only bad thing is that theres no available plugin to listen to the blog song if i go to view blog :(

Alright heres a nice video from If you have watched "just follow law" you will know who laozhabor is :X AUNTIES ROCK! DUN PRAY PRAY!

Hmm to all those RnB lovers out there, do you feel a bit old after knowing that auntie likes RnB too? lolx

- Rappy (Wish all a good day~)

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 10:29 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Monday, April 02, 2007

Hey people =)

As I was taking my shower earlier on, my conversation with Rappy came flashing back. She reminded me that our blog is going cold and I should be typing out an entry soon. I replied that I wasn't mapling that actively now and I totally have no idea on what to blog about =(

If you guys noticed, I have never really post about any subject that is private to me and I usually limit my entries to maple happenings =X Guess I'm quite a private person eh? But as I was showering just now, I was thinking "Ahhhh... Drats it! Why shouldn't I be a little more open?" Hehe =)

Had an early start today. Got shook awake by my dearest Mummy at 9am to get ready to visit my Grandfather's urn at some temple at Sin Ming district area. With barely enough sleep, and smoke watering my tired eyes, I believe I was a quite a terrible sight.

Noticed quite a few interesting things at the temple. I was asking my mum why do some of the people have the privilege of having the monk to say some prayers for their loved ones? Mummy said: "Aiyah 'cos they give them money ma, so the monk will pray for them."

Interesting. I always thought that monks are not suppose to be greedy you know? I mean they give up eating meat, having sex, looking good (shaved head)... and yet the monk prayed for them because they gave him money? Doesn't make sense to me =\

Besides that, my Granny pointed to a statue and told me that that's the god that will let out my Grandfather's spirit to come eat the feast we prepared for him. She then quickly walked towards the statue and started to pray for it to let Grandfather out.

Upon hearing that, I was kind of sad for my Grandfather. I did like to think that he is up in the heavens having a peaceful time, not trapped in some temple and having to ask for permission to come out to eat?! Why must we put my Grandfather in such misery even after he passed on?

I'm so not cut out to be a Buddhist. I prefer the Christianity way, although there are still some things about Christianity that's bugging me too. Buddhist friends, please don't be offended yeah? It's just some personal thoughts and I might have misunderstood some rituals =)

Mum just asked me to give her a number to buy Toto. She said my uncle is helping the 7 of us who went to the temple this morning to share and buy 7 numbers. Reading the smses they exchanged, all of them seem hopeful about winning some money. Maybe I should allow myself to be a little hopeful too? Let's huat arh!

- Mandy =)

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 4:51 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

All About Us

BabyRap's & Manda20's Ramblings.

Feel free to read on if you are bored! Tag us and make our day! =D

Who said that you can't find good friends in Maple, yeah?

PS: We are not lesbians!

We Love

MapleSEA, Divination, Euphoria, Singing, Talkin thru' the wee hours of the night, Fries, Watching hilarious clips, Having a drink while talking about mindless topics, Suppers, 98.7FM, Being cheeky =P and God knows what else we have not found out?


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