Friday, September 29, 2006

A post to make my Rappy feel jealous =X

Noodles + Ice Cold Baileys = Heaven *burp*

Goodnight people! KTV AND PASTA TMR! CHIONG AHH!!!!!

*gulps* Maybe I should move like them too?

Dammit my glass is bigger than that. I think I drank too much =\

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 1:52 AM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I'm once again experiencing KTV High-ness!

As you guys know, I'm a sucker for duets right?

2 songs to let u guys listen to =D

After listening to this, I feel like getting married straight away =X Such a sweeeeet song!

I like this alot too! Especially like the part where they featured Leann Rimes's How Do I Live.

Why all the guys around me don't enjoy singing one la? =(

Looking for male singers this friday!!!! I NEED MALES TO SING DUETS!

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 10:00 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Goodbye Lianieee ='(

Must always keep in contact okie?

You will always be my 'left leg' Lianie. Will miss the long chats we have at night and I will log on my MSN more often for you! JIAYOU LIANIE! =D

Oh yeahhh... something interesting I saw at FM last night =P

The gathering of 5 Ah Nehs =X

One of them kept saying "We just want to be loved". LOL. That really tickled me =X

And now we know why Rap's looter goes round raping other people's pets... The big mystery SOLVED.

FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!!!!! 2 more days and counting =D

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 4:45 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Awww.. has it been so long since I last blog? NO WHAT! *pouts*

Well I guess I was quite... distracted... for the past few days. Nigel it's all your fault! You showed me all those Ah Beng clips and cause me to spend 2 days glued to youtube. =\

Now I seem to like Ah Bengs more =X

Anyway part 7 was pretty gay and NO I DID NOT PAUSE AT THE LAST PART YOU F**KER!

It's like 11.37pm now and I still got... er.... 223 emails to go through. I think this will take days -.-'''

A few short notes to take care of:

1. Welcome to the blogging world my Lianieeeeeeeee! Cheer up alrite? Be natural =D

2. CONGRATULATIONS TO JAYIE FOR GETTING HIS HELM!!!!!!! *hugs* Ignore those ppl who flame you through megas cos we know it's NOT TRUE! You deserve your helm!

3. LEEEEEEN! ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv ktv.................................... pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta..............................

*winks* =)

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 11:39 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I love this song

- Rappy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 3:07 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Of all the things I believe in
I just want to get it over with
Tears form behind my eyes
But I do not cry
Counting the days that past me by

I've been searching deep down in my soul
Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old
Feels like I'm starting all over again
The last three years were just pretend and I say

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I love
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

I still get lost in your eyes
And it seems like I can't live a day without you
Closing my eyes you chase my thoughts away
To a place where I am blinded by the light but it's not right

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

And it hurts to want everything & nothing at the same time
I want whats yours and I want whats mine
I want you but I'm not giving in this time

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

And when the stars fall I will lie awake
Your my shooting star...

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 5:33 AM | 1 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Orh Hor go IRC nv jio me :XX

just kidding lolx cant go T_T project + cca come together " sibeh song"


*think somebody just sprouted wings* :P

And if you ever start limping, of cos ill be your crutch and bring you straight to a doctor to cure your sprain!! ^_^

Looking forward to friday ~~~ and happy zaking later! hope koyok gets an odar and fear gets his helm!

- Rappy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 3:35 AM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

WARNING: Explicit conversation between 2 gays coming up.
Starring: 0oFeArLeSs (0oFeArLeSs) & aloske (happy birthday) =X

0oFeArLeSs says:
eugene dear..
happy birthday says:
yes nigel
0oFeArLeSs says:
i hav been thinkin..
0oFeArLeSs says:
n i think..
happy birthday says:
i'm not willing ot be your stead
Mandy Solitude says:
happy birthday says:
0oFeArLeSs says:
we should date tmr..
0oFeArLeSs says:
fk u b!tch
0oFeArLeSs says:
go irc tmr or i will peal ur ass off
happy birthday says:
fuuck u right back
happy birthday says:
Mandy Solitude says:
ahhahaha this is so funnny!

happy birthday says:
come babeh
happy birthday says:
-licks lips-
0oFeArLeSs says:
happy birthday says:
happy birthday says:
0oFeArLeSs says:

happy birthday says:
-close eyes and faces up-
0oFeArLeSs says:
happy birthday says:
-spreads arm-
0oFeArLeSs says:
0oFeArLeSs says:
0oFeArLeSs says:
happy birthday says:
stop it
happy birthday says:
there're ppl here
happy birthday says:
be alittle more discreet
0oFeArLeSs says:
happy birthday says:
u want the world to know!?!?!
happy birthday says:
happy birthday says:
just something i hope u guys like
Mandy Solitude says:
Mandy Solitude says:
can i blog abt this? =X
0oFeArLeSs says:
0oFeArLeSs says:
0oFeArLeSs says:
happy birthday says:
are u fucking out of your stupid mind again
happy birthday says:
of cos you can!!
0oFeArLeSs says:
oh eugene
0oFeArLeSs says:
tmr irc 6 pm
0oFeArLeSs says:
meet city hall
0oFeArLeSs says:
bu jian bu shan
0oFeArLeSs says:
happy birthday says:
you ownself
happy birthday says:
i see if i'm ok or not
happy birthday says:
haha i got abit sick today
happy birthday says:
but should be ok by tmr haha

0oFeArLeSs says:
no 1 cares bout u dude
0oFeArLeSs says:
happy birthday says:
happy birthday says:
it wouldn't matter if i don't turn up right
happy birthday says:
0oFeArLeSs says:
oh man
0oFeArLeSs says:
fk u
happy birthday says:
haha i'll try my best dudette
happy birthday says:
Mandy Solitude says:
interesting convo =X

There, there. Now the whole world knows =D
See? I even put gay colours for you 2! Cheers to my favourite 2 gays *winks*

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 12:45 AM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm so tired.

I think there is something wrong with my ankle? It hurts a little when I wear my wedges.

Rappy if I ever start limping, you must promise to be my crutch okie? ='(

Had a super filling lunch till I can't eat my dinner now. It was an alright day till we drove past his place. It has been 4 years, but surprisingly, I still felt a painful tug. Why did I have to see him? God, you have been cruel.

A very nice MV that suits my mood exactly. Maybe I should learn to sing it.

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 7:10 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Monday, September 18, 2006

Now now... Remember the post I made about the Strawberry Yoghurt Mooncake?



TA-DA!!!!!!!!!!!! MOONCAKES!!!!!! *SCREAMS*

On Sunday, I braved the family crowds and went in search for the very yummy Marriott Mooncakes. Dropped by Taka and tried a whole load of other places' mooncakes but I still went back to Marriott to get this =D

Surprisingly, the yummiest mooncake isn't the Strawberry one. It was the boring looking yellow colour mooncake, which is durian!

In almost every bite I took, I could taste the sweetness of the durian flesh. I was very tempted to take a photo of the inside of the mooncake to show u guys the durian flesh but I think it will look kinda shitty so I decided not to =X

The white one is made of white and dark chocolate and whiskey!! I forget what is it called exactly but I know it's Ebony _________ Chocolate Mooncake. LOL. Trust me on not remembering things. It's quite yummy but I prefer the Bailey's one which Raffles the Plaza had =)

The orange one is called Snowskin Crunchy Muesli Mooncake. This is the healthier bunch among the 4 flavours because it's made from whole grain oatmeal, raisins and cinnamon, complete with traces of crunchy peanuts. Very english breakfast yeah?

Nice packaging =P

If you guys are into the new breed of mooncakes, go ahead and try these 2 hotels! The Raffles the Plaza hotel offer Chocolate, Rum and Raisin, Baileys and Champagne-something flavours. VERY NICE TOO!

Oh if u guys know me, I'm sure you will remember the time when I was going on and on and on and on....... about this guy who was dressed as an angel doing a promotion for Mary Chia at Marina Square? I said something about him giving me a rose and I kinda stood there with my mouth open? =O

Well... take a look at this...

I walked past a Mary Chia promotion at taka on Sunday.. guess who gave me this rose?

Mr HOT-as-an-Angel guy?




Nope =(

It's a girl who gave me this rose. I stalked the place for 15 minutues but they didn't hire any male models for this show. *WAILS*

Will I see you again Mr HOT-as-an-Angel?


- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 6:33 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Check out why i tink pandas are the horniest casanova pets in maple :)

models: looter ==> owner BabyRap's CUTE panda
pepper ==> owner Manda20's SHUAI husky
panda aka cutegal ==> owner youngfighter

Here are a few examples...

They can be romantic~

They can hump~

They can engage in all sorts of errhem... positions :X

Lastly.... a note of warning to all promiscuous pandas out there.. ACCIDENTS MAY HAPPEN!


P/S: Romance & baby idea taken from youngfighter

looter's last words: HIIIIIIIIIIIIII PEPPERRRRRRR!!! *winks* *wriggles butt*

- Rappy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 1:11 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D


Such a joyous occasion and so many people were present =D

Happy for you my leen =D Hope that this will be a happy and blissful marriage!
Bai tou xie lao! *hugs*

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 4:42 AM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Sunday, September 17, 2006

"Snowskin Wild Strawberry Yoghurt Mooncake:Made from seasonal wild strawberries from the mountains of Lyon, France, mixed with premium low-fat yoghurt, an instant-hit with the ladies!" - Marriott Hotel SG.

God, save me. THAT LOOKS SO YUMMY. My mouth is watering. *drools*
Tell me how can you resist that?

Will post up some ss taken at leen's wedding tmr =D

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 12:17 AM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I do agree we had fries overdosed =(
Dammit! I can feel my face growing fatter with each mouth of fries I eat =X

The zak outing was great, although we failed to down the 2 zakums for the night =( ARGH, had to quit because the last priest died and I ran out of holy water to unseal myself -.-''''''''''

A shout out to Girlgirlxuan, meteorainx, shlera! Nice meeting you guys and thanks for taking me into party so quickly! =D Without u guys I think I would have died instead of quitting at B3. LOL.

And HELLO HAPPY! It was a surprise to see u at IRC too but nevertheless, a fantastic surprise =) Hope to see you sometime soon again?

Muhahhaa Koyak (Rappy) to me, the most memorable part of the night (or should I say morning?), was the part where we talked about dyeing the hair of a certain part of the human anatomy and gelling it up straight. LOL. I laughed till I kinda went out of breath!

Maybe you guys should start observing if any guy actually dyed their hair there and gel it up? =X

Alright 'nuff said =D Tonight will be my favourite Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen's wedding! Congratulations to liltootie and Ronney! Shall take some ss and post it up here later tonight!

To end this post off, let me show you another video which I think is kinda interesting. Thanks Eugene (aloske) for sending me the link! Makes me wanna dance on the DDR again. LOL.

- Mandy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 3:27 PM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Ai yo~ mai yo mai yo~
Ga ka ga ka ga ka yo~
yo~ yo~ yo~

lol shake it baby! :D

Wow today's outing was great! I'm starting to have fries overdose lol o.O"

Take a look at some of our highlights today. For those who have gone there can read again to relive the funny moments lol :P.

Highlights Today

- Met new ppl from bootes ( Girlgirlxuan, shlera, meteorainx, evo4 & nitexx)
- Drunken security guard & his 20 cent serviette ==> Aloske possessed? lolx!
- Talking cock overnight ( Most shiok ) - fears 500inch, fear factor etc

Omg koyok (manda) i tink i sound too informative o.o" wo de di yi ci .... blog lol :X

Ok enuff crap lol! Koyok the coke and pork experimentt kao ni le~ and hope u get a codar soon!!

- Rappy

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 8:02 AM | 0 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

Friday, September 15, 2006

Rappy I can't believe I saw this on YouTube!

Nearly laugh my teeth off! =X

I hope this makes your day =D Let the inner Ah Lian shine!

p/s: Dammit why isn't it 5.30pm yet? I wan FRIES!

Damn funny can!!!!! LOL!

Mandy&Rappy rambled @ 3:13 AM | 3 comments. Tell us what do you think =D

All About Us

BabyRap's & Manda20's Ramblings.

Feel free to read on if you are bored! Tag us and make our day! =D

Who said that you can't find good friends in Maple, yeah?

PS: We are not lesbians!

We Love

MapleSEA, Divination, Euphoria, Singing, Talkin thru' the wee hours of the night, Fries, Watching hilarious clips, Having a drink while talking about mindless topics, Suppers, 98.7FM, Being cheeky =P and God knows what else we have not found out?


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Created Since

September 2006 =)

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